Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ahhh End of term time..again.

Well today is the day that I must stress out to get papers written for the last day of my two classes. The nice part about my school is that you know all the things you will need to turn in at the beginning of the term. The bad thing about me is... I like to procrastinate. Why would I have started the papers weeks ago when I had "stuff" to do. This term I am taking Research Methods and Crisis Intervention. Lucky for me I am working with a partner on my research methods paper so I only need to do half of the 15 pages lol.

After this coming week I will have one week off then I will start my last term (of classes) I will be taking Psychopathology and Family Systems theory. I am excited about them being my last classes but also terrified that I will no longer be a student. Taking the big step from therapy as an intern to.... being a therapist is frightening. It was strange enough when I starting my internship that there are people out there that consider me their therapist (weird). Now after getting use to that fact I can only ponder what my future will bring. Hopefully a PHD..someday :)


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Exhausting yet successful

Hello everyone in PC land. I should be starting some needed research on Gestalt therapy but I have decided that I deserve a few hours of quiet and relaxation. Today was interested and somewhat stressful. My shop's annual Thanksgiving potluck was today, A civilian and I were tasked to coordinate this event, we normally have about 80 in attendance and seems that we had about that this year. The day turned out nice but started off very rocky.

I woke up around 4:30 to cook biscuits, crescent rolls, and baked macaroni. When I get to work I am told that four of the turkeys are still frozen!! In the shop we always deep fry turkeys for thanksgiving and putting a frozen turkey into oil is a big no no. OK now people who know me are going to ask, "Marie you are a vegetarian why are they asking you about turkeys?". Well.... I was not informed that turkeys take at least 6 days to defrost in the fridge and the turkeys in our fridge at work had only been in there 3 days. Well now I know this fact, it is useless to me due to the fact that I don't eat turkey, but I will not make the same mistake next time. The turkeys were thawed by some of the guys and turkey lovers were ensured they had their deep fried turkey.

Despite the turkey issue, everything else came out relatively okay, other than my baked macaroni. My baked macaroni was horrible, I am not being humble when I say this. I followed the recipe exactly and it was not at all what I thought it was going to be! I wanted that fluffy macaroni cassorole, I ended up with crunchy noodles with somewhat cheesy top. Maybe there is a different between baked macaroni and macaroni cassorole? I am not sure but I will not be making that ever again.

On a postive note, my dump cake was eaten all up and someone even asked me how to make it! This was a recipe my mom told me about that I loveeeeee. Of course my momma has always rocked ;) ...anyways....I did manage to save some for Matt because he could not attend. :)

So now I am relaxing, trying to encourage myself to start work. I have another potluck tomorrow but luckily I just have to show up with a 12 pack of soda...YAY no managing it! I will watch other people pull their heads handling that one :)

Well I am off to do some research and write.

~Dream In Color

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Long time..

Well its been a while since I posted ...yep I am alive..I have just been busy busy busy.

Everything is going well. My birthday was last week and I got to go to the MAC store (YAY!!!). I don't often get a chance to shop there but I was soooo excited!!! I got four eyeshadows (gesso, retrospeck, beauty marked, and expensive pink) These are my first real eyeshadows from MAC. (I have a mineral duo but I never use it) I now know why alot of people only use MAC eyeshadow, they are really pigmented and come in so many colors! Oh I almost forgot I also got Urban Decay book of shadows 2 for my birthday too. Of course Urban Decay rocks and I love this palet, the little book that is included is kinda blah and almost a waste of paper but the eyeshadows rocks. This is my first experience with their 24/7 eyeliner and I love it! I got a kick ass penticle box from my Sis-in-law and some other cool stuff too.

Although I do not enjoy birthdays I love everyone in my family and my new family for thinking of me. It always feels good when someone remembers days such as a birthday, even a phone call or email saying, "hey we love you" makes my world bright and beautiful.

I wish everything in the last two weeks was fun but school is still in so I am bombarded with homework. I also need to do my CDCs, I have barely touched them because of school work and they are due on the 21st ahhh. I will get them done somehow but I don't think I will be getting wonderful scores on the test, oh well.

Ahh I almost forgot my favorite part of my birthday! My husband baked me my favorite cake! This was like icing on the cake with everything else that happened. (haha punny aye?) I did demand to do the icing but that was because I like to sneak tastes! So overall the past two weeks have been both amazing and blah but that makes things fun! Well im off for more homework!! TTFN

~Dream In Color

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Oh How I love Halloween!! Oh course I did not do anything that one would call exciting. However, I did get to hang out with my goofy yet fun husband. We slacked off all day then we got a little dressed up just to hand out candy and go to dinner with his dad. It was fun!!! We bought some blue hair spiking gel and he made himself a Fohawk (I thought they were all called Mohawks but whatever lol) and I decided to try to do a 20s flapper look. One of the Youtube channels I am addicted to is called Makeup Geek and she had a tutorial on it so I figured it would be fun. It turned out okay and we went to dinner (Yummy, Indian food) and we were the only people in the packed restaurant that were dressed up. My husband received most of the funny looks tho lol Fun times. Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween, Ta Ta for now

~Dream In Color

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Monday Monday

Well....Today I was off and I actually got my paper done (OMG) of course I have been working on and off allllll day lol. I think I took a break once every 30 minutes, sad I know lol But I watched some Kandee Johnson(make up artist person...she is amazing everyone should google her... she is more goofy than me... I think) ANYWAYYYS....I should be getting ready for class but I am sooo not feeling like going. The dogs and I are chilling in my living room listening to the strange sounds coming from next door? Oh I did get to do some random make up ...yes i was bored lol... and in a minute I have to take a shower and wash it off !!.. Anyways I decided to do a fall look with some oranges and browns..turned out okay..I used liquid liner and mine suckssss..Dumb CG liners lol.. anyways here are some pics I took...I suck at getting a good picture of makeup but one day I will take a class lol Well Off To More FUN!!

~ Dream In Color

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ahhh Sunday

Well it is Sunday and I still have not started my paper. I am more interested in Sam. (my weener dog) I have been too lazy to do anything except eat breakfast and feed the manimals. My husband is still sleeping and I want to either jump in bed with him or jump on the bed with him in it. teehee But sometime today I must finish my paper on Rational Emotive Imagery and I must start another paper on the first 18 years of my life. (exciting aye) I also have some drum performance thing to go to a 2pm with My husband and his mother, oh and her boyfriend. It should be fun but I know I should be working on my homework. TeeHee ....its odd reading about Rational Emotive Therapy and using the word should lmao. Sorry Psychology Joke, anyways hopefully I will at least get time with my sweetie today. Wish Me Luck

~Dream In Color

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Homework and Slacking off

Yay, So today is my "homework" day. Of course it is almost 2pm and I have not even looked at my paper that I need to write. I always find it odd that I love Psychology and reading about it but I hate researching and then writing about it. of course my manimals are not helping. They are lounging all lazily and yawning to further make me want to nap!. Although I did do something this morning but it was not homework. I watched a cool youtube video on a Halloween make up look and decided to try it. Mine does not look exaclty like her (could be because I am not a professional) but I had fun! Here is what It came out to be~~